Dentistry Uncensored With Howard Farran

49 Your Next 7 Medical Emergencies with Dr. Catharine Goodson : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran



On average there are 7 medical emergencies in a dental office every 10 years.  Dr. Catharine Goodson shares the story that started her on the pathway to become an expert in medical emergencies in dentistry, followed by the steps you can take to have your office ready for your next incident. What are the 7 most common medical emergencies in dentistry?  What medications should you have in your emergency kit and how can you train your staff to reactly calmly and in control?  Dr. Goodson answers these questions and more in today's episode. Dentaltown CE course: Medical Emergency Mastery Dentaltown profile: Catharine Goodson Dentaltown blog: Medical Emergency Mastery Dr. Goodson’s website: Full Transcript (PDF)