Dentistry Uncensored With Howard Farran

28 The Problem with Perfection in Dentistry with Dr. Barry Glassman : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran



Dr. Barry Glassman examines the damage that perfectionism in dentistry can do and shares ’The Four Agreements' for success and happiness.    “The dental school experience is problematic. The thought that we’re supposed to be more than what we’re supposed to be is problematic.”   "Looking at success and happiness is, as you know, Howard, better than anybody, more than looking at a balance sheet"   "How do you know if the patient’s first visit was successful?"   "I wanted to get the word to those of you who are looking introspectively as yourselves with any degree of honesty, and tell you that it’s okay, that there are things about our profession that are difficult, and it’s better to face them in reality than to hide from them.”   "I don’t know whether dental school screens and only gets people who are potential paranoid, insecure people, or whether the dental experience makes us that way.”