Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireles - Hour 3 - 09/09/18



This hour, Warning: John Dybvig does try to contain himself, but there are a few swear-words used in his piece, so listen to this week's Letter from America at your own risk. John Dybvig joins RadioLIVE's Graeme Hill to take a look at the latest from America. Dybvig revisits the space movie about Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 moonlanding and why on Earth (or the Moon) they wouldnt want to show the US flag being unfurled on Tranquility Base? John says theres a whole bunch of buttons people press in everyday USA life that do nothing whatsoever - other than make people FEEL like theyre doing something. Graeme and John take a look at Trumps phoney crowds and an infiltrator who was kicked out from a rally. Then it's time for Johns thoughts on the New York Times scathing expose Editorial on the White House. He also looks at Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Bob Woodwards new book on a shambolic Oval Office where staffers hide things from the President. Then, In the entire history of human migration the Polynesia