Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 3 - 16/09/18



This hour, John Dybvig joins Ryan Bradley in for RadioLIVEs Graeme Hill to take a look at the latest news from America. Warning: John Dybvig does try to contain himself, but there are a few swear-words used in his piece, so listen to this week's Letter from America at your own risk. First up the pair take a look at the differences that can be seen with leaders when they are no longer president, and how perception can be altered once they leave the oval office. Then they revisit John McCains funeral and the line-up of past presidents. The honour of the presidential line up is generally reserved for Presidents themselves, but alas McCain had made such a contribution that it was fitting. This also resulted in a drop in Trumps popularity. However, no matter what is thrown at him, Trump appears to simply recover and keep going. John and Ryan discuss how he has managed to continue as the president, even with the stream of obstacles he has faced. Then Ryan is joined by Michael Jack to take a look at the Green Grid P