Mary Broome by MONKHOUSE, Allan

Act 2



Before Downton Abbey, there was Mary Broome. In Allan Monkhouses 1911 satire, when the son of a middle-class household gets their housemaid pregnant, the two families must try to combine their very different values. (Summary by wildemoose)Cast:Sheila Ray: GraceAda Timbrell: Charlotte DuckettEdgar Timbrell: mbMary Broome: Arielle LipshawLeonard Timbrell: balaMrs. Timbrell: Elizabeth KlettEdward Timbrell: ToddHWMaid: Beth ThomasMr. Pendleton: CalmDragonMrs. Pendleton: Tara DowMrs. Greaves: AvailleJohn Broome: John SteigerwaldMrs. Broome: CaprishaPageNarrator: MaryAnn SpiegelAudio edited by: Arielle Lipshaw