Large Marge Sent Us

279. Mars Attacks!



This week we watched Tim Burton's alien invasion spoof from 1996, Mars Attacks! Starring literally everyone in Hollywood! In the mid 90s, it was all about aliens and Burton capitalized on the trend by creating this kooky film which pokes fun at some of the campier alien invasion films from the 50s and 60s. Basically martians come to Earth and the dumb dumb leaders are confused about their intentions.  We weren't! Anyone with any sense could tell those suckers were trouble, just from their giant exposed brains. We'll talk about some our other favorite alien films, why we think we haven't had an actual alien invasion in the history of the planet (or have we??), and shout out to Sweeti Jimi who chuckled through the entire thing! Ack, ack, ack!