Risen Church Nc

If Only - Genesis 15:1-6



If only we had more, better, different, another... If only things were different. Often we look at where we are at in life and we grow frustrated at what is missing or what we need. We've all found ourselves dissatisfied and discontent because of our own inabilities and this world's unpredictabilities and uncertainties. If we're being honest, these same frustrations can keep us from pursuing or growing in a relationship with God as well. We feel as if everything has to be just right to know God and follow Him. If God could change one thing about us, this would be it. In fact, what holds us back the most in life is our unbelieving nature that resists and doubts God. In this message, we study the story of Abraham who was overwhelmed and wearied by his own inabilities and the unpredictability and uncertainty of his world. God invited him to trade all of that in for faith. Abraham trusted God's promise to him and showed us all the way to a true relationship with God. God's Word is as good as His blood, as