Affiliate Buzz #350 – How to Easily Manage a Remote Team to Quickly Grow Your Business



In this edition of the Affiliate Buzz, host and Instructor of the Affiliate Marketers BootCamp, James Martell, is joined by his wife Arlene, who has been away for a few weeks. In this edition they mainly discuss how you can manage a remote team to expand your business quickly. To start with however, they talk about the 2015 Affiliate Summit in Las Vegas being held at the Paris Hotel. The Affiliate Summit began in 2003; the inaugural meeting was attended by 150 people. James was unable to attend the first summit. He also couldn't attend the latest held in New York. When he can’t attend he is actively watching the Twitter conversation. The next summit will be held between January 18th and 20th. It is expected 5000 people will attend the event. Those interested can receive a special discount on the VIP access passes. Many affiliates think the cost is too high; but as has been previously mentioned on Affiliate Buzz Episode 329 these fees can be written off against your taxes. At the same time as going to these