Pagan Chaos Magic

Pagan Chaos Magic the Podcast Episode 18



Talk a little bit about Jesse Miller, his music and his Mystic Mind Podcast. The Mystic Mind Podcast Jesse Miller Music Conversations about ConVocation 2010 and some vendors: A Chemgnosis segment on Salvia Divinorum: Daniel Siebert's Salvia Divinorum SIte Erowid Plant/Chemical Site Psychedelics Encyclopedia, by Peter Stafford Pharmacotheom, by Jonathan Ott Pihkal and Tihkal, by Alexander Shulgin Part 2 of the 2 part interview with Andrieh Vitimus. Andrieh Vitimus's Official Website Andrieh's Reality Manipulation Bootcamp PDF Andrieh's Calendar and Upcoming Events Music Notes: Jesse Miller, Oh Goddess Hungry Lucy, To Kill A King from The Teatime Sessions Sean Fournier, Holding the Hand of the Hurriciane from Oh My Eluveitie, The Arcane Dominion from Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion PeerGynt Lobogris, Devil's Temptation