Take Action Q&a

Q#31: Daryl Urbanski: How can I use automation for success and keep my message fresh?



Daryl is a highly recognized business expert of his generation. He shares his tips on how to use automation for business success and how to keep your message fresh. Daryl discusses the “Rule of 10,000” by Michael Gerber. This process allows you to write the top business activities that you have, and think about doing it for 10,000 more. Although it can be a bit challenging, this activity will help you uncover difficult business facets and learn how to address them well. When talking about keeping your message fresh, always understand that the end result and the quality is most important. Stop fretting about the small stuffs. How do you apply the rule of 10,000 when some are not even full-time in their business? Nothing in a company is needed unless you have a sale. So set a goal when selling. Try pre-selling, for example. The first thing you need to do is to figure out the sales process, which is the most valuable thing to do in a business. Focus on the problem that you need to solve first. Resources: