Alternative Health Tools Podcast

062 Christopher Babayode: Farewell Jet Lag


Sinopse Christopher Babayode is a flight attendant, nutritional therapist and frequent flier. Having flown for a combination of 18 years+ for a UK airline on long - and short-haul fleets, he brings knowledge, experience, expertise and insight to you in this podcast. He shares the passion to change the way people fly by educating and informing the traveling public on how to travel well and healthily, long term. As a nutritional therapist who can count British Airways cabin crew as private clients he has dealt with frequent flying, jet lag and its consequences at their most brutal. As a therapist running a private jet lag clinic Chris has seen first-hand the impact frequent flying has on business travelers’ health and productivity. He is a co-founder of Global Business Travel Wellness Advisors (GBTWA) and an entrepreneur. The P.H.A.R.E Well™ system of jet lag elimination and prevention is a hybrid nutrition and fitness program for frequent fliers. It is a six step self administered progra