Alternative Health Tools Podcast

035 Hannah Eagle: Classic Homeopathy Wake-up To Your Life



Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700’s by a medical doctor named Samuel Hahnemann. Disappointed in medicine at the time, he gave up his practice and became a medical translator. He was fluent in 7 languages. In his studies as translator, he became curious about a certain a South American bark, Chincona (from which quinine was later made) that could cure malaria but also caused the same symptoms when taken in quantity by a healthy person. He then took an extract from the bark and experimented on himself...taking successive doses of the medicine until he developed symptoms – (chills, weakness, and sweats - similar to malaria). From this discovery and further experiments, he discovered the ‘Law of Similars’. Wellness Tip Focus on your food being your fuel. Links mentioned Paracelsus the Greek philosopher Dr. Samuel Christian Frederic Hahnemann, M.D. (1755-1843) Erik Weber In the Defense of Homeopathy Attached: hannah-a-brief-history-of-homeopathy.pdf Contact information Hannah Eagle, DHom, PDH