The Tv Ark

The TV Ark Podcast - A TV Ark Catch-Up / Too Old To Die Young TEASER



This week, my brother (Gavin) & I (Noah) decided to give all you lovely TV Ark listeners a Special Bonus Episode, of sorts. We've been busy over on The Movie Ark with a little limited series by the name of Mann Hunters (PLUG Listen to Episode 4, which just dropped yesterday, on Michael Mann's '86 opus, Manhunter, END PLUG) BUT, TV has been simply amazing in 2019, so; we decided to take a little break and catch each other up on what we've been watching lately... Mainly, we sat down to begin what we're sure will be a multi-episode discussion and dissection of Nicolas Winding Refn's NEW 13 Hour Opus, Too Old To Die Young, Available Exclusively on Amazon Prime. In what's essentially our primer discussion for the show; I check Gav's pulse as far as NWR is concerned, we rundown the plot in very general terms, and basically attempt to sell you on this dramatic time investment (IMHO IT'S WORTH IT) IF You do decide to take the journey, we'll be back very soon for Spoiler Filled Discussion...I may even be able to