Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

GABRIELA MASALA Says Feeling Regenerated, Creatively Fulfilled, Connected, & Empowered, ‘Unlimited’ Should Not Be The Exception In A life, It Can Be The Norm By Doing So We Can Begin Creating a Magnificent Life By Our Own Design.



Gabriela Masala found by integrating multiple modalities into her facilitation practice to help people “heal”, she soon realized the greatest service she could give was to point people back to their own innate genius, intuition, wholeness and sovereignty.  Serving individuals and communities world wide through intuitive, energy medicine and expressive arts based consultations, events and retreats, she began to focus on building a relationship to the aspect of our human being that is already “healed”- already whole, infinite and divine. By doing so she stopped using the word “healing,” but began supporting others to live with this unlimited part of their nature as guide – that changed her life and those of her clients. At the end of inspiring events and retreats, she would often hear people say, “It is back to the real world.”  She felt so clearly, we have this all wrong.  The peak experience of meditations and retreats: feeling regenerated, creatively fulfilled, connected, and empowered, unlimited should not