Encounters With The Good People

110 - Arthur Conan Doyle & the Wee Folk



What does Arthur Conan Doyle have to do with the Good People?Plenty as it happens!Most folk know Doyle as the creator and author of the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes.But there is so much more to Doyle than just Sherlock Holmes. It might surprise you to know that he was a Spiritualist, he believed in Faeries and whatsmore, wasn’t afraid to speak of his beliefs publicly.Many might assume that Doyle, being the creator of Sherlock Holmes was an anti-social, detached intellectual, a man of science and logic, devoid of humour or compassion.In truth, Doyle was quite the opposite, he was an open-minded, big-hearted man.In 1922, Doyle published a book called ‘The Coming of the Fairies’ where he lay out all the evidence surrounding the claims of the Cottingley Fairy photographs but in this book, he also publishes personal experiences of sightings and encounters from people all over the world.In this episode, we enjoy three tales which were sent to Doyle from people who appreciated his sincere interest in