Encounters With The Good People

100 - Away with Fairies



Sometimes, people are said to be ‘Away with the Fairies’, or ‘In the Fairies’. It sounds quite nice doesn’t it? Think again! For reasons we can only guess, certain people are singled out to be taken away from their ordinary human lives to spend time among the Good People, only to be left back when the Good People are done with their company. We’re not talking about an isolated incident here, there are recorded accounts of people where this has been a regular occurrence, their families and communities aware of their habitual disappearing and returning. But why? Join Kitty for this very special 100th episode of Encounters with the Good People. * Fancy buying me a coffee? If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’. This is a really quick, simple and safe way for you to donate and support my work. Simply click on the ‘Buy me a coffee’ icon on my website and you will be helping to create and produce ‘Encounters wit