Encounters With The Good People

97 - Pity the Hare-Hag



Hares have long been associated with the Good People, not only as a form the Good People often take while mingling among us, but also with folk who are considered to be ‘touched’ with knowledge of the Good People or who actually interact with them.These folks are often given names or labels like wiseman or wisewoman, healer, mystic, Witch or Hag.While they may be well regarded and their knowledge sought after, they are just as often shunned from the community too.Occasionally, we have found that a wise-woman, known to be familiar with the ways of the Good People, is actually one of the Faerie living among Humans. How do we know this?Because she is revealed to have also been taking the form of a Hare! A creature with a great many skills, but also prey to Human hunters.Join Kitty for 2 incredible tales of the Hare-Hag which tell us tell us as much about our own Human Nature, as they do about the Good People.*Fancy buying me a coffee?If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand t