Encounters With The Good People

95 - Faerie Armies: When 2 Tribes go to War.



The Good People have been around a long time. A really long time. Think of a long time, then multiply that by a really long time. You’re getting close. If you believe, as I do, that they are an intelligent race, (or group of clans), who have lived these many long ages, it follows their societies must take on some form of structure, some rules, or boundaries. Their society cannot be a complete free for all: if it was their carelessness and recklessness would result in them exposing themselves to us regularly. So it is that, from time to time, (not as often as us of course) the Good People enter into some form of conflict. On this week’s episode we listen to accounts from people who have witnessed the Faerie marching in procession, just as a Human army would, and engaging in battle. We ponder what Faerie battles might look like, what weapons they may use and if, even during conflict, they continue to protect the natural world. * Fancy buying me a coffee? If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would