Encounters With The Good People

94 - Faerie Lake-Horses



There are worlds and creatures unknown to us, lurking in the deep waters of sea, river and lake. In this episode we explore one of the Good Folk who is known to dwell on both land, and in the dark, deep lakes of Ireland: The Water Horse, also known as the Lake Horse. Many of our Ancestors have witnessed a Water Horse lurking far out in the middle of a lake, often silently watching the activities of nearby Humans or stealthily stalking them. Others still have seen Water Horses graze peacefully on grass bordering the Lake. We share a tale of one such Water Horse who did not appreciate being disturbed by nearby fishermen and angrily chasing them before returning its their watery home. Some particularly courageous/reckless/desperate people have even captured a Water Horse and made use of its immense size and strength to help with manual labour tasks. Through true accounts we discover that this usually doesn’t end well… On this week’s episode we share several tales of the Water Horse, or Lake Horse, and ponder i