Encounters With The Good People

92 - Halloween: Tales by the Fireside.



Halloween: that one night when most anything can happen. Sure, you could chance your luck walking the dark night, among Faeries, Ghosts and Spirits who roam freely and unhindered… or you could tuck up cosy with me and a few friends, as we share Halloween poems and true tales by a crackling fire. Remember, on this night, All Hallows Eve or Sahwain, when the dead and the living mingle, anything can happen. Some Spirits may wish for nothing but to visit loved ones, enjoy a little music and hospitality. Others though, have been waiting, biding their otherworldly time to pay a visit to someone who had offended or wronged them in their life, and unleash a little payback. This is when things get scary. And the Faerie? Well as we know, they can be deathly dangerous and are unpredictable at the best of times. But it seems at Halloween, they let their guard down and are more likely to be seen or encountered. I hope you can join me and discover a few of the wild things that have happened on November Eve, all from the