Encounters With The Good People

87 - Should I Eat Faerie Food?



To eat or not to eat? Is it safe to eat Faerie Food? The answer is perfectly complicated: yes, and no. That is to say, it depends. There is a long-held belief that if you consume food or drink offered by Faerie, you will be bound to their realm for all times, never to return to your family and friends. How do we know this? Because those who have accepted Faerie hospitality and never returned have warned us! To add to the confusion… we discover that declining food or drink from the Good People can be as dangerous as accepting it and ponder what it is about Faerie food and drink which affects us so. * Fancy buying me a coffee? If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’. This is a really quick, simple and safe way for you to donate and support my work. Simply click on the ‘Buy me a coffee’ icon on my website and you will be helping to create and produce ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Podcast and YouTube vide