Encounters With The Good People

84 - Faerie Trance



In days past (and occasionally in modern times too), it wasn’t uncommon for a person to be mistaken by their family or misdiagnosed by a professional, to be dead. They are cold to the touch and entirely non-responsive. A wake would be held, followed after by a burial and oh dear, that’s when things could get really awkward! On this week’s episode we discover that falling into a Faerie Trance can, and has, been mistaken for dying. Through true recorded accounts from folk who have entered a Faerie Trance and lived to tell the tale, we find that, for some, the experience is nothing short of bliss, while for others, it is the stuff of nightmares. Could it be your experience is wholly dependent on whether the Good People ‘like’ you or not? And what do the Good People do with us while we are under their trance? Join Kitty as we scratch the surface on this most curious phenomenon. * Fancy buying me a coffee? If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work,