Encounters With The Good People

72 - The Hungry Grass



It is long believed that when a person walks on a certain patch of grass growing on a mountain or field, they would suddenly be struck down, weak with hunger on the brink of collapse.If this person were not to eat food quickly, they might succumb to the hunger and be too weak to move or even call for help.This is known as the Hungry Grass and, as with the Stray Sod (episode 53), could effect anyone.No matter if they had walked the same patch of field or mountain a thousand times before, if they stepped on that patch of grass, they would be struck down with terrible hunger.On this week’s episode, we ponder why the Good People might do this?Is it just a practical joke played by the Faeries?Is it done as a form of punishment?Or could there be a higher purpose to this strange phenomenon?*Fancy buying me a coffee?If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’ (I prefer tea actually...).This is a really quick, simple and s