Encounters With The Good People

65 - Blue Faerie



I always try to look at the good people from a fresh perspective: respectfully brushing aside the acceptance of some that Faerie exist only in dusty old reference books, while gently stepping around those who believe only in the pretty, sweet Faerie of recent popular culture. Perhaps the Good People dwell somewhere in between the two, but one thing we know for certain, we must at all times, keep an open mind.So… we have looked at the Good People in respectfully loose sort of groups, such as ‘Household Faerie’, ‘Water Faerie’ or ‘Messenger Faerie’.On this week’s episode we draw inspiration from nature Herself, and in particular, the colour blue.Taking a peek at Faerie who may have nothing else in common but that they are blue in colour. (I hope the Good People won’t mind).We know that the good people are an eclectic lot. Wildly diverse in appearance and character, so let’s get to know some blue ones: Black Annis, Bluecap, Blue Men of the Minch and Blue Burches.*Fancy buying me a coffee?If you enjoy Encounters