Encounters With The Good People

56 - 5 Tales of Dogs battling Faeries



Dogs. No Black Shucks. No Hellhounds, today we are chatting about our ordinary, faithful, 4-legged friends. Many believe that dogs can see or sense the Good People, ghosts and spirits, around us. Have you ever been out for a walk with your dog and it suddenly stops at full alert, staring into space, grumbling, growling, perhaps even barking and poised to attack?Or has your dog ever, inexplicably, turn tail and run away from something in terror. Something which you cannot see, hear, smell or even sense?We know that the Good People are around us, or nearby, all the time. You can be sure that our dog companions cross paths with Faerie regularly and most always without incident, but on occasion, when a Faerie threatens their beloved Human, a devoted and courageous dog will act to protect them. When they do, it’s not pretty.Kitty shares 5 true tales of battles between our canine companions and members of the Good People. Not for the fainthearted.*Fancy buying me a coffee?If you enjoy Encounters with the Good Pe