Encounters With The Good People

29 - Faerie Wind



Faerie Wind“Any one can lose their hat in a Faerie Wind” – Irish Proverb.Where does it come from, where does it go and why do they sometimes suck Humans up into them, never to be seen again…?The Faerie Wind: Mother Nature’s very own transport system. Some say riding within the wind are the Good People themselves, moving from one place to another. Up an above pesky Humans who would only get in their way.But mind the passing Faerie wind, for the Good People are known to demolish or snatch crops or precious items as they pass. Oh, and they sometimes suck Humans, livestock and dead souls up into their whirling dervish too!Kitty offers some tips on what to do, and what not to do if you see a Faerie Wind approaching.*Kitty announces the winner of the prize draw and, as always, reminds you it’s okay to believe in the Good People.Have you encountered or sighted the Good People yourself?Perhaps you know someone who has, or have an old tale of the Good People told in your family?Don’t be shy, Kitty would love to hear y