Encounters With The Good People

7 - Changelings and Abductions: Faerie Mischief or A Higher Purpose?



Faerie Changelings and Abductions - Part 2Leave your knocking knees at the door, Kitty is here to talk about the real Faeries: The Good People, The Wee Folk or the Sidhe.Faerie of traditional Irish Faerie Folklore sit guardian over our Natural World and are in feckin torment at the many ways we harm our environment. They are all around us and watching, always watching.But what are they thinking? Are they impressed at our efforts to recycle, upcycle and downcycle or would they gladly send us all to landfill? Should we worry about what they might do? *In this episode, Kitty takes a realistic look at what motivated a loving Grandmother to employ a woman expert in Faerie Knowledge and remedies, to rid a sickly 4 year old boy of a ‘Faerie Changeling’. A fateful decision which resulted in the worst possible outcome. Was this a case or murder, incompetence or absolute faith?We ponder why some people daydream of being abducted by the Good People while others are terrified at the notion. And wonder what do the Good Pe