Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

A Helpful Analogy, Reflections on Episodes 1-99, and Looking Ahead - #100



We made it to one hundred episodes! This is amazing and I am so thankful for your continued support! I wanted this one to be special so we dove into some thoughts I've had recently, reflected on the journey so far, and look ahead a bit. We talked about the past, present, and future in the same episode! Hope you enjoy and that it is helpful for you.Helpful Analogy - The best boats could have a leak that holds them back. It helps to take care of that thing when you can because if you keep going with it it could sink you.ReflectionsI started this journey on August 24, 2019 1.The second you start the journey, you need direction and you can eventually help others find theirs. 2.The worst thing that could happen is if you didn’t go. There is always opposition to you doing something that is good.3.You start for a reason, and you continue for a different reason.There will some that will be there for the long haul and some that aren’t. Just be grateful for the opportunities you have.Podcasting is a very deep pool