Feral Attraction

FA 087 Lifestyling Furry



Hello Everyone! We open this week's show with a discussion on depression and mindfulness. Conventional treatment for depression and anxiety has worked under the impression that it is due to a skewed view of stressed from the past or present, but recent research shows that we become more anxious or depressed over false visions and fortune telling of what the future might hold. We take a look into an analysis of a book concerning this topic, Homo Prospectus, and what it might hold for future treatment of these conditions. Our main topic is on lifestyling. Within the furry fandom, the idea of lifestying often tends to come accompanied with derision or words of caution about being "too furry". We talk about why lifestyling can be fun and fulfilling, how to go about it, and how to balance it out with your own life responsibilities to ensure you don't neglect your life outside of the fandom. We also discuss ways you can get into lifestyling with other communities like BDSM. We close out this week's episode with