Happiness Of Pursuit

HOP #89: The Truth About Creating A Legacy w. Andy Amick (@palespruce)



In just 25 minutes I learned how much we are capable of when we put our minds to it. Andy Amick turned his love for mountain biking into one of the most interesting legacy building exercises I have heard. As Andy's passion for Mountain Biking grew, he discovered a race called "Tour Divide", which is a 2,745 mile (4,418km) ride from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. After a grueling 24 days, Andy completed the race at with countless stories to share. What was unique about Andy's story (aside from the run in with a Mountain Lion), was that Andy found it more challenging writing and publishing a book, then riding a bike for 24 straight days. In addition to writing a book, and completing the "Tour Divide", Andy has built an e-commerce business selling mountain bike specific first aid kits, along with a number of other great resources (find them here). While Andy grew up in an entrepreneurial family, he did not inherit any of these natural traits. He is a software programmer by day and runs this busine