Happiness Of Pursuit

HOP #75: How Focusing on Value Can Triple (3x) Your Business with @JenerationPR



Success meant being able to control my own time The hardest part of starting a business is finding customers. The second hardest part of a business is parting ways with a client. This past year, JenerationPR tripled their business, yes 3x, and Jen Berson attributes that success by parting ways with her first, and longest standing client. For most people, that would sound absolutely insane. Yet, when you take a deep honest look at your life and your business, you need to get clear about what's holding you back and where you can deliver value. Throughout this episode, Jen shares how the focus on value helped her scale her business. What was unique about Jen's perspective on value, is it was not limited to the value she provides to her clients, but also to the people on her team and how she can add value to their lives by giving them flexibility in their daily lives. What you will learn on this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast: >>Why you might need to fire your client >>How to change your mindset to s