Happiness Of Pursuit

HOP #52: Why you need to avoid purple sweaters with @MattMcWilliams2



I had an opportunity to talk with Matt McWilliams a few times before having him on the podcast, as well as participating in a number of affiliate launches for some of his clients. For those of you who don't know what an affiliate launch is, he explains it around the 5-minute mark of this episode, but for those reading, it is essentially a team of people (affiliates) who are paid a commission for promoting your product. Matt's story blew me away because the big aha moment when he knew he needed to build his own business came down to a purple sweater! Most of his life, Matt dreamed of becoming a professional golfer. Something he did accomplish, but not something someone could live on, at least not well. When he was a kid, he and his close friend Hunter, often joked about how terrible it would be to fail at professional golf and end up teaching golf lessons to elderly women wearing purple sweaters...well as you can guess by the title of this show, that day came and it set off a chain of events for Matt that turn