Happiness Of Pursuit

HOP #42: How to make a career change at any age to follow your dreams



"If I couldn't make it to the 6th floor, how was I ever going to make it to 50 countries?" - Jeff Hoffman A little over 9 months ago, I stumbled across a podcast interview on Inside Quest with Jeff Hoffman (which you can find right here). Before the interview started I had no idea who Jeff Hoffman was - after the interview was over I would never forget the lessons he shared! That 5o minute interview completely changed the direction of my life, how I approached my career, and how I looked at the opportunity entrepreneurship offers to the world. That 5o minute interview completely changed the direction of my life, how I approached my career, and how I looked at the opportunity entrepreneurship offers to the world. I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to share his story on this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast. In this interview, I had the opportunity to dig deeper with Jeff Hoffman on some of the most pivotal moments of his career, as well as some momentous decisions he made after he chos