

It's the end of another year, and time for Pete and Dom to run down the things that they were most impressed with this year. All the usual categories are covered: Books, Software, Hardware, Podcasts, Services, Courses, Blogs, plus some special mentions. Categories: - Books Winner: Trust Me I'm Lying - Ryan Holiday Mentions: 4 Hour Chef - Tim Ferris - Software/App Winner: Evernote - Digital Note-taking App Mentions: MagCast - Digital Publishing Platform for Apple's Newsstand - Hardware Winner: Macbook Air + Elgato Turbo 264 HD - Great portable media production setup - Podcast Winner: Freakonomics - Fascinating insights into world economics Mentions: Mixergy - Course Winner: Dan Kennedy - Over My Shoulder Mentions: Accelerated Learning Techniques - Brian Tracy Also: ProfitHacks! - Service Winner: - Online accounting software solution Mentions: IFTTT - Automatically trigger events based on online happenings - Blog/Site Winner: - Ramit Sethi's site Mentions: