

Pete's back, and this week the topic of discussion with Dom is pricing. Increasing your price is one of the 7 Levers of Business, so Pete introduces the concept of "price elasticity" and talks about 6 factors that can help you when putting your prices up. Action Step: Next time you are reviewing Pricing as part of your 7 Levers review, use the 6 points that Pete mentions as a focus, and see if there is an opportunity to use one or more of them to justify a price increase. -= Links =- - PreneurCast Episodes: These previous episodes are talked about in today's show. Go back and listen, if you missed them, over at PreneurCast Episode 16 - The 7 Levers of Business - Special PreneurCast Listener Offers from our Sponsors: http://ReadItFor.Me/preneurcast - ReadItForMe creates multi-media summaries of popular business and personal development books. Visit our link for a free trial and a PreneurCast listener 10% discount on their membership fees. - Au