Ipo Hardball! With Francis Gaskins

IPO Hardball! Weekly Analysis (CLWR) (XGML) (FIRE) (OCGI)



This is the first full IPO Hadrball podcast. This week the following firms are covered.Clearwire (CLWR) The Business builds and operates next generation wireless broadband http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadband_wireless networks that enable fast, simple, portable, reliable and affordable Internet communications.Xinhua Finance http://www.xinhuafinance.com/en/ (XFML) The business acquired companies to build an integrated platform of media products and services . Outlets reach an estimated 210 million potential television viewers, a potential listening audience of 33 million people, and the readers of leading magazines and newspapers.Sourcefire (FIRE) The business is a leading provider of intelligence driven, open source network security http://sectools.org/ solutions that enables customers to protect their computer networks in an effective, efficient and highly automated manner.OncoGenex (OCGI) The business is a biopharmaceutical company committed to the development and commercialization of new cancer therapies