Iron: The Official Podcast Of Sierra Bible Church Reno

Walk With Your Family DISCUSSION - Sermon Q&A



Join Jacob, Cassidy and Karl as they answer your guys' questions about Karl’s recent message: Walk With Your Family (Ephesians 6:1-4). If you haven't heard the message yet, you can hear it through our sermon podcast feed here:  Be sure to send any QUESTIONS or FEEDBACK to!  Quickly Find the Segments You'd Like To Listen to: 0:00 ► Introductions 1:54 ► Sermon Recap5:47 ► Beginning of Questions Segment7:04 ◊ How do you explain authority being designed for human flourishing, especially to someone who has experienced oppression or abuse?11:48 ◊ How should Not-Yet-Believers and Christians understand the 10 Commandments today?23:33 ◊ How can parents/grandparents discern which of those convictions they should advocate for others to follow & which ones they should hold more loosely?32:21 ◊ Out of all the sports in the world, how did you get so into soccer?34:04 ◊ If a kid exhibits contempt and resentment, does that automatically mean that the dad provok