Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Planetary Bifurcation, Frequency Acceleration & How To INSTANTLY Unblock Your Flow with Penney Peirce



By all appearances, it seems that humanity is being pushed to the brink to let go of the old world in order to join up with the new. The domination of left brain ego based living has run its course and now the more creative, intuitive and infinite part of us is readying itself to take its proper place of prominence in this new world. But what will be needed in order to cut the old umbilical chord away so we can be birthed into a new way of living? Author and intuition expert Penney Peirce says that the ever-expanding frequency of the planet may actually be creating a bifurcation of itself in order to accommodate this new way of being. However, not everyone will be on board with this different version of Earth. With heightened polarity and division in our faces right now, could this be the most obvious sign that this planetary bifurcation is actually happening? And what will it take for those wanting to join this new way of living to become a new human in a new world? Where do we begin? Penney tell