National Parks Traveler Podcast

NPT 10 : Voices from the Hill : Secretary Kempthorne on Centennial



Secretary Kempthorne: "this is a giant leap for the National Park Service" You can hear it in his voice, can't you? Dirk Kempthorne is excited. The Secretary of the Interior announced today a list of 201 projects that are eligible for funding in the first year of the Centennial Initiative. The program could add as much as $2 Billion in new programs and projects for the parks, and $1 Billion for park operations over 10 years. In his remarks that follow, you can hear Mr. Kempthorne crow a little bit at the early success of the program, especially as it relates to the provision of the Centennial Challenge which depends on non-federal dollars for success. Critics of that aspect of the program, including us at the National Parks Traveler, had wondered if fundraising $100 million a year would be possible. The Secretary was quite happy to inform us today that the goal has been exceeded, and that he has commitments for $301 Million for projects in fiscal years 08 and 09. Aware of those who caution against bowing to