Reasonable Doubts Podcast

RD Extra: An Atheist's Sermon



Those who reject religion go by many names; atheist, agnostic, skeptic, freethinker, secular humanist--but please do not call us "unbelievers." If you ask you will find there are many things we believe in. We believe that the natural world , as revealed through science, is more beautiful and inspiring than any mythology. But a world without the supernatural also confronts us with disturbing possibilities. If there is no God then the human story comes with no guarantee of a happy ending. Humanity must solve it's own problems but it's not at all clear we are up to the task. If there is hope, it will be found in those who reject the hollow consolations of faith and choose to press on instead of hoping for a miracle. By living with courage and integrity, pursuing truth for truth's sake, we can make our lives and our world significant.