Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

#38: Pisces Full Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation



#38 | September 20, 2021 Pisces Full Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation The Full Moon happens September 20th then days later the Equinox occurs on September 22, 2021. Well within the orb of influence of this Full Moon...  The energy of both of these events is already "in the air" and is exceptionally strong right now! The doors are open for you now to anchor incredible light and blessings into your personal life experience. Just remember, that while the energy is so supportive... That doesn't necessarily mean it's comfortable. In fact... This Full Moon can bring a potent energy for release, for highest good! Pay attention to what is arising within you! Where are you triggered? Whatever comes up now does so for clearing, transmutation or healing. The deep release you can possibly experience in today’s session will empower you to release and rise from past painful patterns and lessons so you can open heartedly claim the bountiful blessings this upcoming Equinox Gateway will bring. This i