Theology In The Raw

#908 - Disability and the Church: Dr. Lamar Hardwick



Lamar has an MDiv from Emory University and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty University. Over the years Lamar has served as a youth pastor, hospice chaplain, football coach, and pastor but his most important role is serving his wife of 16 years and their three beautiful children ages 11, 8, and 3. In 2014, after years of silently struggling with social anxiety and sensory processing disorder, and a host of other significant issues, Dr. Hardwick was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He was 36 years old when diagnosed. Dr. Hardwick has had articles published by various autism and disability websites such as The Mighty,The Huffington Post, Key Ministry, and The Autistic Self Advocacy Network to name a few. His articles and blogs can also be found on his website  Dr. Hardwick is the author of the best-selling book I am Strong: The Life and Journey of an Autistic Pastor and the recently released Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion.In this episod