Theology In The Raw

#884 - Facing Burnout in a Post-Covid Church: Dan White Jr



In this episode, I talk to Dan White about what it’s like burning out of ministry and how to cultivate healthier rhythms to prevent this from happening (again). Part of the problem is the internet and social media. Our prefrontal contexes never rest! We’re constantly bombarded with stuff to process. And COVID only exacerbated this problem. During COVID, many churches played into the consumeristic mindset of people by producing MORE content, more sermons, more stuff for people to consume. But now that the COVID dust has settled, many people aren’t coming back to church. Why is this? How can we “get people back?” Or--is that even the right question to ask? Dan has planted and pastored in rural, suburban, and urban churches for the last 20+ years. Currently, Dan and Tonya are in the starting and building stage of opening The Kineo Renewal and Retreat Center in Puerto Rico. Dan White Jr is a church planting strategist with the V3 Movement, coaching cohorts through an 18-month missional training system. Dan h