Theology In The Raw

#869 - Understanding the Equality Act: Dr. Caleb Kaltenbach



Caleb Kaltenbach has become a leading voice in the conversation about faith, sexualtiy, and gender, and he’s spent many hours researching the Equality Act. In this episode, we discuss what the Equality Act is, look at its historical roots, the content of the act, its implications for religious liberty, and what it means for churches and Christian non-profits. Caleb Kaltenbach is a pastor and founder of The Messy Grace Group where he helps churches love and foster community with LGBTQ individuals without sacrificing theological convictions. He's currently writing Messy Truth and has also authored God of Tomorrow and Messy Grace (where he discusses being raised in the LGBTQ community, following Jesus, and how loving others doesn’t require shifting beliefs).Besides speaking, writing, and consulting, Caleb has been guest with or featured in The New York Times, Fox and Friends, The Glenn Beck Show, The Eric Metaxas Show, Christianity Today, Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Pod