Commonwealth Podcast For Holistic Herbalism

Herbalism & Climate Change: Fires



This is #3 in our series on herbalism & climate change! Fires are most devastating where they occur, but the smoke and particulates they release into the air affects vast areas of space. So it’s good for all of us to be aware of the problem and have practical solutions to protect ourselves.In addition to practical DIY methods for improving air quality in the home, herbs can be very helpful. Some of the herbal actions & specific herbs discussed in this episode include:gentle herbs for steaming – chamomile, lavender, mintdemulcent herbs to protect mucous membranes and maintain hydration – marshmallow, mullein, linden, violet, fennel, licorice, pleurisy root, purslane, okraexpectorants to get mucous out of the lungs – mullein, horehound, hyssop, elecampanerespiratory relaxants for tense lungs & constricted airways – fennel, mullein, lobelianervine herbs to cope with the stress of fires – lobelia, blue vervain, linden, hawthorn, goldenrodadaptogens for long-term stress resilience – codonopsis, jiaogul