Commonwealth Podcast For Holistic Herbalism

Intentional Inconvenience, Rhodiola Rhapsody, Stimulants for Midwives, & "Poisonous Mints"



This is our one-year anniversary episode! This week we cover a lot of ground. Katja talks about ways adding a little inconvenience to your home environment helps encourage you to move more. She also talks about how she came around to appreciating rhodiola as an herb on our honeymoon to Iceland, and offers some non-caffeine-containing stimulant herbs for midwives (and anyone who may have long nights ahead). Then, Ryn shares some of his discoveries on looking for exceptions to the herbalist’s adage that “nothing in the mint family is poisonous”.Herbs discussed include rhodiola, angelica, eleuthero, tulsi, betony, calamus, yarrow, ground ivy, & pennyroyal.Mentioned in this podcast:Roseroot – Herb of the North, Anna Rósa8 Poisonous Plant Families, Marc WilliamsBotany In A Day & Shanleya’s Quest, Tom ElpelToxic Plants of North America, Second Edition, Burrows & Tyrl~If you like our podcast, you might like learning from us in a more intentional way – like with our Herbalism 101 program! It’s a great way