Music For A Wedding With Will Taylor

Keri Wootton interview part 1 - Outdoor Weddings, listening to vendors and Murphy's Law



Subscribe to the Podcast - Download the PodcastHere is a transcript of our discussion with Keri Wootton Part one of TwoWelcome to the MusicForaWedding podcast with Will Taylor, where we help you realize your wedding music dreams.  Please check out our new app – My Wedding Music- on the Apple App Store.  It’s a free app that has over 40 songs for you to listen to and to help you organize the music for your wedding.  That is the -My Wedding Music- app on the Apple App Store.  Before we get started with our special guest, Keri Wootton, today who is a wonderful, experienced wedding coordinator in the Austin area, we’d like to encourage you to send in your letters and let us know your questions and maybe we’ll read them out over our podcast.  Please send your letters to  *****Will Taylor:  All right, I am here with Ms. Keri Wootton, wedding planning extraordinaire,  wonderful person that she is, right here in the room with m