Agents For Change Podcast By Trista Sue Kragh

Authentic vs Inauthentic Leadership



I would like to formally declare we are at a PIVOTAL point in history - not because of the pandemic – but in what I consider a crisis of leadership. There is such a vacuum of true, authentic leaders that I must respond to in a number of ways. Clearly the predicament we are in – is that the ignorant, illegitimate leaders are in positions of power and then there are those that are influencing them. They ALL have their personal, national and global agendas, rather than the interests of the people they are mandated to serve. The issue boils down to this: if you don't know what something authentically looks like, then you won’t recognize the imitation. There are so many people in power positions fronting as a leader – however I have determined there are nothing but illegitimate, inauthentic people in leadership positions.   This is where I have 3 distinct responses to this global leadership crisis. 1. I will begin in-person authentic leadership training in the coming new year in the form of boot camps - in Naples,