Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 496



With the Weatherfield week ending on Wednesday this week, we're coming at you a little earlier with our latest podcast, which covers the goings on in Coronation Street between the 8th and the 10th November (Episodes #10476 - 10481). Not only that, but with Michael testing positive for COVID on Tuesday night and subsequently isolating from Gemma, we've also had to be a bit creative with how we've watched Corrie and recorded the podcast this week, so apologies for the sound quality not being up to its usual standard! That all aside, we actually quite enjoyed this week's Corrie - although with all the overlapping of stories going on (we're looking at YOU, Kelly, Aadi and Summer!) we admit we did find it was a bit of a tricky Street Talk segment to manage at times! As we predicted, the Street residents seem to have forgotten their environmental principles just as quickly as they developed them this week, with not a hint of the Red Red bypass story getting a mention; instead, the main action seemed to have revolv