Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Control your Emotions with EFT and Energy Psychology



Many of us have felt burdened or trapped by sadness, anger, anxiety or shame. Although we often consciously know that dwelling on these "negative" emotions doesn't really serve us, once we are in the pit of these feelings we don t easily find our way out. One of the most powerful ways to interrupt and overcome the spiral of negativity is Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. Dr. Schaub's guest, Dawson Church, is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal, an expert on EFT and Energy Psychology and the founder of www.EFTUniverse.com. Tune into Empowerment Radio and learn through a sample session guided by Dawson Church how to effectively apply the breakthroughs of Energy Psychology and EFT to gain more balance and emotional control in your life.